Lab 1

Lab Assignments


The purpose of this lab is to get you working with git and GitHub collaboratively, as well as to refresh some basic {dplyr} skills. You should work together in groups of 3-4.

The basics of the lab are to:

To receive full credit you must create and merge branches. The contributions across team members should also appear roughly equal.


We’ll work with Week 1 of the #tidytuesday data for 2019, specifically the #rstats dataset, containing nearly 500,000 tweets over a little more than a decade using that hashtag. The data is in the data folder of the course repo.


Glance through the plots below. This is an open-ended lab. You need to work with your group to figure out how to best approach this. By the end, however, you should have:

Each person should be responsible for at least one commit.

Plot 1 rough draft

Create the following plot:

Some guidance

Finalized Plot 1

Style the plot so it (mostly) matches the below. It does not need to be exact, but it should be close.

Plot 2 rough draft

Create the following figure.

Some guidance

Finalized Plot 2

Style the plot so it (mostly) matches the below. It does not need to be exact, but it should be close.

Finishing up

It is expected that this lab will take you more time that the 80 minutes we have in class. Class time should be used to clarify any points of confusion and if you run into issues after class, please get in touch with me so we can arrange a time to meet and I can help you.

Once you have finished, please go to Canvas and submit a link to your shared repo. Credit will be awarded based on the commit history.